
 saying, "I called out to the Lord, out of my distress, and he answered me; out of the belly of Sheol I cried, and you heard my voice.
Jonah 2:2 ESV

Jonah infamously tried to run away from God: what a futile endeavour! He ended up thrown overboard off a ship and into the mouth of a whale! This verse is part of his testimony from within the stomach of the sea beast!

I love Jonah's faith here. He was still in a sticky predicament. Yet he still had faith that God had heard him and would get him out of there.

I relate to Jonah. No, I've never been swallowed by a big fish, but due to my own foolishness I've drawn near to the gates of death. Yet God heard my cry for deliverance.

There have been times I've doubted my salvation. This had been due to an awareness of my wretchedness. I've never really consciously doubted God's goodness. Yet it's because of God's goodness that He's willing to save wretches like us.

'Our good God, may we never doubt that You are for us, even when we run away and face Your chastening. For the glory of Your name we pray, amen'


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