With Job, what you saw is what you got. He didn't have skeletons in the closet. When you fear the Lord like him, you have nothing else to be afraid of. People with hidden sins are scared they'll get found out. 

Job didn't have a fear of going out and getting found out, because there was nothing unsavoury to find out about him. He might have complained a lot in his book. He didn't grumble behind God's back however, he took his grievances directly to Him. 

If we do have sins that need confessing, it might not only be God who needs to know. We might need to admit our wrongdoing to those we have wronged as well. Job had no such need. 

I'm sure most of us have sins we need to confess. But just imagine how liberating it would be to have a clear conscience like Job. He wasn't perfect, but he kept his conscience clear. 

'Lord, we confess our sins to You and ask that You would clear our consciences to be free to live for You without needed to fear getting found out as frauds. May our love be genuine, for Your glory we pray, amen' 

Do you have unconfessed sins? Will you deal with them today? 

Job 31:33-34 


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