
 In the path of righteousness is life, and in its pathway there is no death.
Proverbs 12:28 ESV

This verse seems unrealistic for at least a couple of reasons. Firstly, and most obviously, everyone died. How can Solomon say there is no death in the path of righteousness?

Our lives are more than just a beating heart. We are body, soul, and spirit. If God makes us alive to righteousness, we'll never die. Death will be like falling asleep until Christ wakes us up to live with Him eternally.

Another difficult thing with this verse is righteousness. We're all naturally unrighteous and on the wrong path in life. How do we get on the Righteous Road?

We need to trust in Jesus. He is the Way, the Truth and the Life. He can be our righteousness, through faith in Him. By His Spirit we can live righteously.

'Father in heaven, please help us to walk the narrow path of life, and to come off the wide road to destruction. In our Saviour's name we pray, amen'


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