
 Where there is no guidance, a people falls, but in an abundance of counsellors there is safety.
Proverbs 11:14 ESV

This verse bodes well for the West, and badly for Russia. Putin has surrounded himself with yes-men meaning he has no meaningful guidance or counsel. So tragically his conscripted people fall in the vanity project of a war in Ukraine.

This verse bodes well for the West because there's an abundance of would be guides and counsellors out there. Take your pick! Understandably you have to sort the wheat out from the chaff, but wise people seek out and find wisdom.

In a spiritual sense, we need the word of God to guide us. Without that, we're spiritually lost. We need people to guide us into what the word of the Lord is for us. We need to turn from our own ways and start heading God's way.

Around forty authors wrote the sixty-six books of the Bible. There's an abundance of counsellors right there! You don't need to fork out for some guru to advise you, you can just download the free YouVersion Bible app!

'Dear Lord, thank You for not leaving us in the dark to stumble and fall. We praise You for the illumination of Your word and ask that You would help us to walk in its light. In Jesus' name, amen'


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