
 O God, you know my folly; the wrongs I have done are not hidden from you.
Psalm 69:5 ESV

There's no point trying to hide our wrongdoing from God. He knows it already. He's an omniscient (all knowing) Judge. We can't pull the wool over His eyes.

The Psalmist wasn't in denial. He confessed his sins to God. He wasn't defiant or blasé about what he had done.

Another verse in this Psalm describes the Psalmist as worn out by weeping. He was devastated about his wrongs against his God. He longed for forgiveness.

Thankfully, in Christ, we can be hopeful of forgiveness. Because He bore our wrongdoing upon the cross, we can be justified. The Judge can acquit us because of His intercession.

'Lord God, please cause us to truly repent, and wash away our wrongdoing in the blood of Jesus, in whose name we pray, amen'


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