

Day 13 Environmentally conscious 

These are Job's final words before God eventually answered Him out of a storm. Interestingly, his conclusion is about how environmentally conscious he was. Job didn't bleed his land dry of its resources. 

I'm sure Job allowed his land to go fallow from time to time, to have its own sabbatical and not to be overcultivated. I'm sure too that he allowed poor people to glean in his fields. Even though these are Jewish principles and Job wasn't, he was a God fearing man. 

It seems that Job rented his land out. He asserts here that he did so fairly. He didn't rip people off in the rents he demanded from them. 

Job knew that if he wasn't a responsible landowner, he wouldn't deserve to be so prosperous. He seems to have seen himself as we all are, stewards of all that God entrusts us with. May we likewise serve God well and gladly! 

'Dear Lord, may we be responsible in Your service and rejoice at our privilege to do so. To the praise of Your glorious grace we pray, amen' 

Are you environmentally responsible? Or are you complacent about your need to steward your resources well? 


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