
 Hide not your face from your servant, for I am in distress; make haste to answer me.
Psalm 69:17 ESV

When we're in distress, where do we turn? Our natural response is to go to family and friends. Yet even the most reliable of our loved ones will let us down sometimes.

Even unbelievers sometimes cry out to God in their extremities. God shouldn't be a last resort, but a first port of call. Yet in our distress, if it leads us to faith in God, it has a good outcome.

Jesus isn't unmindful of how we feel when we're desperately troubled. He Himself cried out to His Father on the cross. He asked Him why He forsook Him.

Thankfully, Father God forsook Christ on the cross so that we could be accepted by Him. We who deserve rejection can be justified by faith in Jesus. We get to enjoy eternal life by trusting in the Son of God.

'Our Heavenly Father, please help us to cry out to You in our distress, and may You answer us with the gift of saving faith. In Christ's name we pray, amen'


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