
 Say to wisdom, "You are my sister," and call insight your intimate friend,
Proverbs 7:4 ESV

Accountability is rightly reckoned to be a good counter to the secrecy of sexual sin. Ultimately however, the choice isn't just between isolation and accountability. The choice is between wisdom and folly.

Who and what we choose to relate to will determine the course of our lives. If we seek to associate with wisdom and wise people, that insight is going to rub off on us. If on the other hand we choose illicit foolishness, we'll become fools ourselves.

Solomon comes across hypocritical here- he of a thousand strong harem, whose women's idolatry led his own heart astray. No wonder some speculate that Proverbs was written for him by David, rather than by himself for his son Rehoboam. To be honest, I prefer the traditional view that Solomon, for all his flaws, wrote this.

Whoever the human author, these words are the breath of the Holy Spirit. They are to guard us against illegitimate sexual activity. As Spurgeon said, we can't stop birds flying overhead, but we can stop them nesting in our beards!

'Our Lord God, please help us flee temptation for the wisdom of Your word. May You guard our hearts and help us to bring every thought captive to Christ, in whose name we pray, amen'


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