
 But he said, "Oh, my Lord, please send someone else."
Exodus 4:13 ESV

Moses was out of excuses, but he still didn't want to go and deliver God's people. This verse was his last throw of the dice. God was having none of his reticence however.

In fact, in the next verse, we're told that God was angry with Moses for his numerous excuses. One of his excuses was that he wasn't a confident speaker. God graciously provided his big brother Aaron to be his mouthpiece.

If God wants us to do something, we ought to just get on and do it. He doesn't take kindly to dawdlers. He equips those He calls so we don't have to feel inadequate.

God has called us to make Christ known. Jesus is the Saviour of the world. The world needs to get to know Jesus- we need to tell people.

'Father in heaven, we praise You for Christ crucified on our behalf. May we make Him known, and not make excuses for our reticence. In His name we pray, amen'


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