
 Now my eyes will be open and my ears attentive to the prayer that is made in this place.
2 Chronicles 7:15 ESV

The first time God appeared to Solomon and offered him a blank cheque is relatively famous. This second time not so much, although the verse beginning 'if my people called by my name' is admittedly well known. Solomon had dedicated his magnificent temple to God, and God blessed his efforts.

Solomon often gets a bad press for straying off into idolatry in his later years. At the point of this verse however, things were looking good. God promised to tune in to prayers made in His temple.

What does this all have to do with us? Solomon's temple is long gone. Even Herod's temple is destroyed. How can we get God to hear our prayers?

Amazingly, through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, we can get a direct line through to God. We can have the Holy Spirit of God take up residence in our hearts. He turns us ourselves into temples of the living God. No pressure, but this calls for holy, prayerful living!

'Almighty Father God, thank You for the access we have to Your throneroom through the Lord Jesus and by Your Spirit. May we be holy temples for Your Majesty and Your glory, in Christ's name, amen'


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