
 Keep steady my steps according to your promise, and let no iniquity get dominion over me.
Psalm 119:133 ESV

It's not the speed at which we go that really matters. What is most important is that we're heading in the right direction. Better is steady progress to heaven than fast progress to hell!

God promises those who trust Him will assuredly make it to the new creation. We just need to plod on. We can be confident of reaching our final destination.

As the writer to the Hebrews says, we need to cast off hinderences and entanglements of sin, and run with perseverance the race marked out for us. That is part of the answer to David's prayer. If we actively reject sin, it won't have dominion over us.

Sadly, sin is insidious. It promises sweetness and delivers bitterness. The danger is we keep coming back for saccarine, counterfeit sweetness, forgetting the bitterly poisonous aftertaste.

'Father God, we echo David's prayer. Please help us to positively progress to glory, and not get weighed down by iniquities. In Jesus' name, amen'


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