
  Prepare your work outside; get everything ready for yourself in the field, and
after that build your house.
Proverbs 24:27 ESV

The Bible famously says that if we won’t work, we won’t eat. This verse suggests that if we won’t work, we won’t have a roof over our heads. It gives us a Biblical order for our loves- sort work out before you try and build a home.

So career should come before a place of our own. If we don’t have a job, how are we going to maintain our homes? Nowadays, we have
a phenomena called the “boomerang generation”- young people returning to their parents after university because they can’t afford their own accommodation.

Biblically, men would tend to build a career, set up a home, and get married. Thankfully the Bible isn’t too prescriptive, but there’s a helpful principle here. Set up shop, as it
were, before you set up house.

A courting couple need to sit down
beyond the courting, lovey dovey language (which is good), and work out whether they can financially afford to make a home together. Households aren’t maintained on good feelings alone.

“Lord our God, we pray that You would provide for us, and empower us where possible to provide for ourselves, and to be generous to others. For the glory of Your name, amen”


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