
 Just as Jannes and Jambres opposed Moses, so these men also oppose the truth, men corrupted in mind and disqualified regarding the faith.
2 Timothy 3:8 ESV

Jannes and Jambres are the names of the Egyptian magicians who tried to persuade Pharoah not to let God's people go. It wasn't hard for them to encourage him. They might have been able to replicate some of Moses' miracles, but miracles alone are not necessarily signs of divine approval.

The devil has power to work deceptive miraculous signs that point people away from God instead of towards Him. Sadly, some charlatan, counterfeit 'Christians' claim to perform miracles (that tend to be fake). Truth is that faith in God is the real miracle for sinners like us.

Moses was seeking to lead God's people to the promised land. Jannes and Jambres wanted to keep them in slavery in Egypt. Jesus wants to free us from slavery to sin. Satan wants to keep us out of God's promised new creation.

All we need to qualify us for the faith is to simply believe. If we have ulterior motives, we disqualify ourselves. We need to renew our minds to be like Christ's, rather than to allow them to become corrupted.

'O Lord, help us to see false teachers for who they are. Forbid that we should stray from Christ's narrow way, in whose name we pray, amen'


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