
 Whoever gives an honest answer kisses the lips. Proverbs 24:26 ESV

If we took this literally, we'd know if someone was telling the truth because they'd kiss our lips! I think the NIV has a better, more dynamic equivalence of a translation than the ESV: "An honest answer is like a kiss on the lips". I think if we always try to be very literal we sometimes lose things in translation!

Whatever the subtleties of translation, Solomon's point is clear, honesty is pleasurable. Arguably only a married couple should know about kisses on lips! But hopefully all of us can appreciate that honesty is the best policy. Hopefully, for those of us who are married, a kiss on the lips isn't just a pleasant surprise but a regular occurrence!

Sadly, honest answers, especially to difficult questions, seem rather hard to come by. If we want to bless people, we need to be truthful, not economical with the truth. I know when I've given honest, but difficult answers to searching questions by my wife, she's always appreciated my honesty, even when it's been an admission of guilt. Better to love someone with the truth than to hate them with flattery.

"God of truth, may we too be truthful in all our dealings, and so to bless the people we speak to. For Your honour and praise, amen"


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