
 Why do the wicked live, reach old age, and grow mighty in power?
Job 21:7 ESV

Job knew that his comforters' central hypothesis was wrong. They were very much into a form of karma or 'reaping what you sow'. They assumed that because Job was reaping suffering that he'd somehow done something to deserve it.

Job contradicted his comforters' claim here in this verse. Very often, he observed, the wicked live to a ripe old age- they don't necessarily die young. Far from being weak, they often grow mighty in power.

Sadly, experience proves Job to be right. Nice as it would be for the wicked to get their comeuppance in this life, it often doesn't happen like that. In fact, often the opposite happens.

Not only do the wicked often thrive like weeds, but the righteous often really struggle, like Job was at this time. The key difference is faith in God. The righteous look forward to vindication by Him; whereas unrepentant evildoers can only anticipate condemnation.

'O Lord God, please help us to trust You whether life's going well or not. Please vindicate our faith in You, for the glory of Your name, amen'


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