
 he need not honor his father.' So for the sake of your tradition you have made void the word of God.
Matthew 15:6 ESV

Sometimes religious people overemphasise a law of God at the expense of a contrasting law. For example, we should take rest as on the Sabbath, but not at the expense of doing good. This verse in context is another example.

Religious people were failing to look after their parents because they prioritised tithes and offerings. If we're not going to look after our families however, God doesn't want our hypocritical offerings. It's not either/or God and family; it should be both/and.

Of course it's good to contribute to God's work. Not however at the expense of our own families. If we don't look after our own families, why would we assume we should give to God's family?

One of God's most important commandments is to honour our parents. One of the ways we can do this is financial. By honouring our parents we honour our heavenly Father.

'Father in heaven, may we honour You by honouring our parents. To Your eternal praise we pray, amen'


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