
 Other seeds fell on rocky ground, where they did not have much soil, and immediately they sprang up, since they had no depth of soil,
Matthew 13:5 ESV

There's a trend in Christianity round my parts called 'church in hard places', meaning economically deprived places. Doesn't seem particularly Biblical to me. Jesus blessed the poor and pronounced woe upon the rich.

The parable of the sower suggests that there are indeed 'hard places' for churches. Yet Jesus doesn't define 'hard places' in worldly economic terms. According to Him, hard places are the hearts of those (of whatever economic status) who initially receive the Word with enthusiasm but fall away when troubles come.

The implication that wealthy people and areas make for 'churches in easier places' seems false. After all, who did Jesus Himself have the most joy amongst? Not many of His followers were rich, powerful or wise. In fact, the rich, powerful and worldly-wise had Jesus crucified.

Imagine you live in a geographical place that church planting experts have designated as 'hard'. Quite apart from the fact the Kingdom of heaven isn't a geographical entity, you wouldn't be very flattered. Spiritually hard hearts don't have a direct correlation with the size of our bank balances, not in the way 'church in hard places' people suggest.

'O Lord, forgive us if we judge geographical places to be particularly 'hard'. Thank You that no-one is too hard-hearted to be beyond Your grace. In Christ's name, amen'


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