
On that day the Lord their God will save them, as the flock of his people; for like the jewels of a crown they shall shine on his land.
Zechariah 9:16 ESV

On what day does the flock of God get saved? Is it the day the Good Shepherd lays down His life for the sheep? Is it the day the sheep first hear His voice individually? Or is it when the sheep are separated from the goats in the end?

In the context, there seems to be an escatological (end times) slant to this verse, although salvation is a multifaceted thing. I love the pastoral illustration, but I also love the jewellery illustration. We could ask similar questions to before using that treasure imagery.

Does God save us when He starts mining us as it were, when we're first created, or even when He chooses us in Christ before the foundation of the earth? Or is it when he 'digs us up' as 'rough diamonds', when we first come to faith in Him? Or is it when He's finished His expert work in honing us into beautiful multifaceted works of art?

Zechariah seems to be looking forward to a day when God's people are settled in His new creation, like sheep in a green meadow by a peaceful stream. He pictures us as the crowning glory of the King of kings, who all the hosts of heaven adore. Maranatha (return, Lord Jesus!)!

'Almighty Father in heaven, we long for Christ's return, and ask that in the meantime we would faithfully follow You and be honed into Your masterpieces, for the glory of His name we pray, amen'


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