
 Do not toil to acquire wealth; be discerning enough to desist. When your eyes light on it, it is gone, for suddenly it sprouts wings, flying like an eagle toward heaven.
Proverbs 23:4‭-‬5 ESV

Wealth is fleeting. It is hard earned and easily spent. Solomon, one of the richest men evil, wasn't so cocooned from ordinary life that he couldn't spot a trend. We aren't to live for stuff.

Solomon did at one point live just to accumulate stuff. His conclusion was that it was meaningless. He wouldn't be able to take any of his trinkets with him when he shuffled off life's stage.

So many people think that money is the meaning of life. But as the tycoon said when asked how much money is enough, 'just a little bit more'. Money never satisfies.

Because wealth is so fickle, instead of hording it, we should use it to invest in heavenly treasures. When we use earthly wealth for the heavenly Kingdom, we store up rewards for the next life. If we trust in God, we get eternal life and are judged for rewards rather than punishment.

'God, forbid that we should idolise wealth. May we live for You and Your Kingdom, for the honour of Your name, amen'


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