
 O my dove, in the clefts of the rock, in the crannies of the cliff, let me see your face, let me hear your voice, for your voice is sweet, and your face is lovely.
Song of Solomon 2:14 ESV

The Song of Songs is the ultimate love song. It's not just expressing Solomon's love for one of his many wives. It's a picture of the Son of David's love for His bride, the church.

We are called to be as innocent as doves. They picture purity, and that's what Christ makes us in His blood. They are beautiful, tender and lovely creatures, and evoke how Jesus feels about us.

We might think that Jesus wouldn't want to see us, sinners as we are. Through faith in Him however we are made saints who He looks forward to welcoming into His heavenly home. We might look forward to eternity, but so does our Lord!

Jesus loves to hear our prayers. He loves to see our devotion to Him. He is excited to meet us face to face in glory. He doesn't just love us; He likes us too!

'Dear Lord, how grateful we are for Your affection towards us, undeserved though it is. We look forward to seeing you face to face, just as You amazingly do, for Your glory, amen'


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