
 For the Lord your God has blessed you in all the work of your hands. He knows your going through this great wilderness. These forty years the Lord your God has been with you. You have lacked nothing."'
Deuteronomy 2:7 ESV

The forty years of wilderness wanderings might have been God's judgement on His unbelieving people, yet even through that barren time, He blessed them and was with them. They lacked nothing.  They might have moaned and grumbled a lot along the way, but if they'd just reflected on God's provision, they might have been grateful.

Isn't our new covenant testimony similar to this verse? Throughout all our earthly pilgrimages, God blesses us. Every good thing is a gift from His hand.

He knows what we're going through. He's not just intellectually aware, He actually cares. Jesus was fasting in the wilderness forty days and nights. He knows what it is to be tempted to moan, but He refused to.

Jesus was a man of sorrows, familiar with suffering. He empathises with us. And He's with us by His Holy Spirit. God forbid that we should grieve Him, and have mercy upon us when we do!

'O Lord, we testify that we have lacked no good thing all the days of life. You are a good, good Father and we worship You today. In Christ's name, amen'


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