
 But my brothers who went up with me made the heart of the people melt; yet I wholly followed the Lord my God.
Joshua 14:8 ESV

I fear that as it was in the days of Caleb and Joshua, so it is in these days in the Western church. Just as Caleb and Joshua were exceptionally strong and courageous, so the vast majority of us in the Western Church seem weak and cowardly. And yet these are days of grace!

If God grants us forty more years in the wilderness of this world before Christ returns, how are we going to spend it? Moaning and grumbling? Or trusting God to bring us into the promised new creation?

Sadly, for much of Caleb and Joshua's lives, most of God's people were weak and cowardly. If that is still the case, let us resolve to be exceptional. God has promised glory to those who trust in Him.

Caleb, towards the end of his life, could say that he had wholly followed the Lord his God. May it be that at the end of our lives we can say the same thing. What a blessing to have no regrets!

'Lord our God, may we follow You wholly all the days of our earthly pilgrimages, until we enter into our heavenly inheritance. In Christ's name, amen'


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