
 Jesus, knowing that the Father had given all things into his hands, and that he had come from God and was going back to God,
John 13:3 ESV

This is an amazing verse. A Man who was about to be executed as a common criminal had been given all things into His hands by Father God. He clearly wasn't just any old man.

Jesus knew He had come from God and was going back to God. He is the eternal Son of Father God. What He goes on to do is astounding.

If Father God had put all things into my hands, I might zap my enemies! Jesus on the other hand goes on in the very next verses to wash His followers' feet, a most humble and slavish act! The One who is worthy of our slavish devotion, is slavishly devoted to us.

It would seem blasphemous if it wasn't true, the Son of God washed His followers' feet. No wonder Simon Peter initially protested! When Jesus insisted that He had to do this, Simon wanted a bath! Jesus said however that they were already clean, they just needed some of the dust of the journey washing off.

'Dear Lord, how amazing that You metaphorically wash our feet of the metaphorical muck we pick up on our pilgrimages to You. May we wash one another's feet as it were, for Your praise we pray, amen'


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