
All these evil things come from within, and they defile a person."
Mark 7:23 ESV

Religion is preoccupied with externals. It would tell us to mind what we eat, because some foods are 'clean' and others 'unclean'. This is true of old religions like Judaism and Islam, but could also be applied to people who are vegan because they think that meat is 'sinful' and we have to abstain to save the world.

There's nothing wrong with being vegan just as a lifestyle choice, but if it becomes a religion and dominates our identity, it's become an idol. Jesus made clear that all this emphasis on externals is a distraction from deeper spiritual realities. Holiness isn't just about what we eat.

If holiness was about what we eat, it would be a relatively simple matter. As it is though, holiness is about the heart. Out of our hearts come unclean thoughts.

Our thoughts give birth to words and actions. So if we're thinking impure thoughts, that's going to spill out into our words and actions. If we're greedy and covetous, that's going to impact how we live.

'Dear Lord, we acknowledge our need of spiritual heart transplants, and that only You can transform us by Your Holy Spirit. For the honour of Your name, amen'


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