
 Whoever does not bear his own cross and come after me cannot be my disciple.
Luke 14:27 ESV

It seems quite trendy in Christian circles to talk about discipleship nowadays. Sacrifice on the other hand seems out of favour. The two go hand in hand however.

We can't be disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ without self sacrifice. Our love for other people and things must appear like hatred in comparison with our sacrificial love of Him. We need to be prepared to die for Him.

Carrying our crosses has been belittled nowadays. 'We all have our crosses to bear', we flippantly say. But we need to die to our sinful passions every day. We are blessed when we're persecuted for righteousnesses' sake, for great is our reward in heaven.

A disciple is an apprentice who follows their Master and Teacher wherever He leads. Jesus leads us to the cross. Only past that point do we gain the crown of eternal life.

'Father in heaven, thank You that we can be disciples of Your Son. May we take up our crosses and follow Him all of our days. For His glory we pray, amen'


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