
Rescue those who are being taken away to death; hold back those who are stumbling to the slaughter. Proverbs 24:11

Many Christians in Nazi Germany turned a blind eye to the Holocaust because they reasoned that Christians are to obey the powers that be and not rebel against them. But there is another Biblical truth that if we are ordered to go against God’s laws, we are to ignore and oppose the powers that be, and thankfully many Christians did.

In our day there is a holocaust of unborn babies. I saw a video of a Vietnamese man who buried aborted babies. Then he and his wife started offering counselling to pregnant mothers who would otherwise abort their babies. He also started an orphanage where parents who rejected their children can claim them back years later. I don’t even think this good Samaritan is a Christian.

It made me wonder what about us as Christians in this country? What are we doing to save unborn lives? I heard recently about an initiative for Christians to adopt children, but it wasn’t specifically for children who would otherwise have been killed in the womb.

God knows our hearts. He knows our fears, our apathy, our indifference. And he’s going to judge us. Is it really enough to privately oppose murder without trying to do something to oppose and reduce it? God have mercy on us as a nation and as his people.

“Lord God, we tremble to think of the evils that are done in our society. Forgive us for our silence when we should speak up for those who can’t speak for themselves. Help us to find ways to save lives and change the culture from one that condones murder to one that upholds life. In Jesus’ all loving, all powerful name, amen”


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