
 O Israel, hope in the Lord! For with the Lord there is steadfast love, and with him is plentiful redemption.
Psalm 130:7 ESV

What do we hope in? That our team wins? That we win the lottery? The only hope who will never fail us is the Lord God of Israel. The Jewish Messiah Jesus is the Saviour of the world.

Noone who hopes in Jesus will ever be disappointed. As surely as He defeated death, we can have hope that we will too, to live with Him forevermore. His love for us is as sure as the fact He died on the cross for us.

We deserve death and hell for our rebellion against God. Because of His love for us however, there is hope of redemption in Him. We can be bought back from slavery to sin.

Jesus can set us free from sin. We don't have to slavishly sin anymore. When we do stumble, we just need to return to Christ to restore us.

'Gracious Redeemer, we hope in You for our redemption. Because of Jesus's sacrificial love, we trust in You for our salvation. For Your glory, amen'


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