
 The proud one shall stumble and fall, with none to raise him up, and I will kindle a fire in his cities, and it will devour all that is around him.
Jeremiah 50:32 ESV

The world sees pride as one of the greatest virtues. Parents are proud of their children. Pride is seen to be a cause of celebration.

The Bible sees pride as one of the worst sins. Pride is what got satan kicked out of heaven. Pride is the kind of thing that will get this world destroyed before God judges and recreates the universe.

Instead of saying we're proud of children, we should say we're pleased with them. That's what we mean anyway. It doesn't have the sinful connotations of pride.

Pride is the main thing that made God destroy the Babylonian Empire, which is now rubble and museum pieces to this day. The proud spirit of Babylon however is alive and well in the world today. We are to be the change we want to see in the world.

'O Lord, humble us we pray and crucify our pride. May we call others to also humble themselves before Your Majesty. For Your honour and praise we pray, amen'


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