
 And you shall be my people, and I will be your God."
Jer. 30:22 ESV

God's people aren't a political entity. The Kingdom of heaven cuts across political divides. God's people are a spiritual company.

So the people of God aren't necessarily Israeli citizens today, or citizens of nominally Christian countries. We are both Jews and Gentiles united in faith in the Messiah, the Saviour of the world, the Lord Jesus Christ. This isn't just some intellectual assent either.

This verse has echoes of the Song of Songs where the beloved says that her Lover is hers and she is His. Through faith in Christ we become His spiritual bride, looking forward to the eternal wedding celebration of heaven. God isn't just our Lord, He can be the Lover of our souls as well.

If we are to be God's people, there are certain expectations. We are to trust in Him yes, but also act as His representatives and ambassadors on earth. We are to call others to faith in Him too, and live exemplary lives that show off what God is doing in us.

'Lover of our souls, what a privilege to be Your people. What a responsibility to have You as our God. May we be faithful to You, through Christ our Lord, amen'


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