
 Where shall I go from your Spirit? Or where shall I flee from your presence?
Psalm 139:7 ESV

The answer to the question is nowhere! To a lover of the Lord, the truth of God's omnipresence is a comfort. To someone at enmity with God however, God's omnipresence should be a cause for concern.

There's no point stuffing skeletons in the closet, because God is there. There's no point trying to do things in our own strength, because it's really God who empowers us to do whatever we can. We should always be conscious of God's presence, whatever we do.

Even the grave and hell aren't free of God's presence. God's wrath burns with ferocity in the flames of hell. We want to be where God's love for us quenches the flames of His wrath at our sinfulness.

God knows us through and through. Yet it doesn't put Him off us! He still wants to deliver us from our sins. Will we let Him?

'God Almighty, we acknowledge that we cannot escape from You, so we surrender to Your majesty and plead for Your mercy. In the name of Jesus we pray, amen'


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