
 "For behold, I create new heavens and a new earth, and the former things shall not be remembered or come into mind.
Isaiah 65:17 ESV

People sometimes speculate as to whether we will remember this earthly pilgrimage when we enter the celestial city. This verse suggests not. When Jesus returns and wraps up history, this life will be like a dream when we awake.

Eco warrior doommongers have little hope of a future for this world. In a way they're right. Our hope isn't for this lost and dying world, but for a new and glorious world to come.

The Lord Jesus Christ is the firstfruits of the new creation by rising again in defeat of death. Those of us who trust in Him can look forward to taking our places in His new creation. It's all because of His grace.

Jesus died so that we don't have to perish with this old and dying world. He rose again so that we can join Him in the world to come. Do we trust Him?

'O Lord, please help us to trust Christ for our salvation. May we take our places in the new creation, where this vale of tears will be forgotten. For Your honour and praise, amen'


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