
 When Jesus saw her weeping, and the Jews who had come with her also weeping, he was deeply moved in his spirit and greatly troubled.
John 11:33 ESV

Film depictions of Jesus tend to have Him with long, blond, flowing, L'Oréal washed locks, blue eyes, a white toga like some kind of corrupt Roman Caesar, and floating around with a permanent half smile, seemingly unmoved and unmovable by all the suffering around Him. How far from the truth! The Bible says He wasn't anything special to look at, certainly not the Charlton Heston of His day!

Far from being indifferent to suffering, today's verse reveals how much it upset Jesus. His close friend had died, and when He saw the mournful fallout from His death, Jesus was deeply moved. Death is, despite its commonness, still an unwelcome intrusion into God's world.

Before we rush ahead to the miracle of resurrection, we have to recognise how much Jesus feels the bereavement of death. He isn't indifferent. He cares deeply.

Thankfully, death isn't the end of the story, resurrection is. The question is, will we be resurrected to eternal life, or to eternal shame? The answer hinges upon our response to Christ, who loves us and gave Himself for us.

'Dear Lord, thank You that You're not indifferent to our suffering. Thank You too that You do something about it, that suffering isn't the end of the story, to Your praise and honour, amen'


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