
 or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful;
1 Corinthians 13:5 ESV

Paul continues his description of love. Jesus personifies it. Jesus isn't rude, although He wasn't afraid to be direct with people.

Jesus doesn't insist on His own way, although as God's Son He always gets it ultimately. If we insisted on our own way, we'd be selfish. Jesus's way however took Him to the cross for us.

Jesus wasn't irritable, although He did get righteously angry at things that offended Him as God. The book of Numbers is the flip side of the coin of not being resentful. If love doesn't keep a record of wrongs, love does keep a record of rights.

The book of Numbers is the opposite of resentment. Instead of keeping a record of wrongs, it keeps a record of how faithfully God led His people through the wilderness to the promised land. And God in His love will lead us on pilgrimage to the new creation.

'God our Lord, we rejoice in Your love. May we be godly in how we love one another, to Your honour and glory we pray, amen'


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