
 but God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
Romans 5:8 ESV

Every now and again, we hear stories of heroism as people save strangers in danger of their lives. We always admire them for their courage and compassion. They're just a pale reflection of God's love however.

God loved us while we were still sinners, rebels against His majesty. It's like someone sacrificing themself for an enemy: almost unheard of in this world, but for the grace of God. Christ died for bad people like us.

If God showed such love to us, the least we can do is to receive such love. We need to accept Christ's sacrifice on our behalf. Then we are to live lives of gratitude for Him.

If Christ so loved us, we should love others, even if they're enemies. We should be prepared to die for others, for the sake of Christ. We are to love everyone, and sacrificial death is the ultimate expression of love.

'God Almighty, thank You for sending Christ to give His life for us. May we all joyfully receive Him as Lord, for the honour of His name, amen'


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