
 Let all the house of Israel therefore know for certain that God has made him both Lord and Christ, this Jesus whom you crucified."
Acts 2:36 ESV

Interestingly, Peter didn't necessarily press for a 'decision for Christ' from his hearers. This verse is the conclusion of his recorded message on the day of Pentecost. It was his hearers who asked him what they should do, to which he replied they must repent.

So what was it that drove Peter's hearers to realise their need for repentance? It was his retelling of all that Christ the Lord had done. He declared Christ as Lord whether his hearers were to accept it or not.

That realisation that Christ is categorically the Lord to whom we must all give account drove Peter's hearers to repentance. Never mind 'Is Christ your Lord'? Christ is indeed Lord, will we willingly acknowledge that fact now, or be forced to in eternity?

To know that we are responsible for the execution of the King of kings and Lord of lords is devastating. It's true though, not just of 1st Century Jews, but of all of us as sinners. Either we trust in Christ as our Substitute, or we bear the penalty for our sins.

'Father God, we worship Your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ. May You atone for our sins through His sacrifice on our behalf. For His glory we pray, amen'


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