
 The true light, which gives light to everyone, was coming into the world.
John 1:9 ESV

This verse is on my Christmas cards for my neighbours this year. I'm sure none of them begrudge my faith in Christ, but they just seem to see it as something not for them. John declares that Jesus isn't just a personal lifestyle choice however.

According to John, Jesus gives light to everyone, whether we believe in Him or not. He is the Word of God through whom all things were made, including physical light. As Paul put it, 'in Him we live, and move, and have our beings'.

Jesus has always been the light of the world. He shone brightly however during His first advent. Even at the darkness of the cross, He defeated satan's power over us.

Because Jesus defeated death on the third day, we can live in the light of His life. If we refuse to do so, we're going to get blinded by the majesty of His second advent, when He will come to judge us. We need to come into the light now, before He banishes us to utter darkness.

'Father of Light, may we come into Your light, and so find Your healing for our sin-sickness. In the name of the Light of the world we pray, amen'


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