
 that the creation itself will be set free from its bondage to corruption and obtain the freedom of the glory of the children of God.
Romans 8:21 ESV

Eco warriors have little hope of anything other than ecological disaster. Thankfully, as Christians, we have a surer hope. This doesn't mean to say we can be ecologically irresponsible though, we are to be good stewards of creation.

We look forward to the day that entropy ends and the universe metamorphasises into a glorious new creation. Not everyone gets to enjoy the coming cosmos. Only those adopted into God's family get to enjoy eternity with Him in a new reality.

So how do we get adopted into God's family. Ultimately, we need God to choose us as His children. If we're not part of His family, we can cry out to Him to adopt us.

We're naturally children of the devil, God's great adversary. He has made peace with us by the blood of His Son. So by faith in Him, we can be welcomed into His eternal family.

'Heavenly Father, please adopt us into Your family if we're not already, so that we might enjoy the new creation with You forever. In Christ's name we pray, amen'


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