
 So with many other exhortations he preached good news to the people.
Luke 3:18 ESV

To the casual observer, John the Baptist didn't seem to preach good news, calling his hearers a brood of vipers, warning of axes at the roots of trees, and unquenchable flames! People seemed to appreciate his straight talking however, and wanted to know what they should do in response to his warnings. He was forthcoming with practical advice.

It's not enough to pray a 'sinner's prayer'. We need to produce fruit in keeping with repentance. If we don't bear the fruit of the Spirit, God's going to cut us down!

We are either fruitful for God, or else we are useless chaff, that's good for nothing except fire. Even though John called his hearers snakes though, he still had hope for them. Jesus said we're to be a wise as snakes and as innocent as doves, and by His work in our hearts we can be so.

There's hope for fruitless snakes like us. Christ's blood can make the foulest clean; His blood worked for me. The biggest sinner is not beyond the grace of God, if we would just turn from sin and the condemnation we face because of it.

'God, we thank You that there's hope for us yet, in the blood of Jesus. May we trust Him wholeheartedly, and bear fruit for Him, in His name, amen'


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