
 Then those who were at table with him began to say among themselves, "Who is this, who even forgives sins?"
Luke 7:49 ESV

Those who heard Jesus forgive an immoral woman realised how revolutionary such a thing was. Who has the authority to forgive sins but God alone? Of course, we know Jesus is God's Son, with the authority to forgive us our sins.

Religious people don't like the idea that they need forgiveness. They like to think they can pull themselves up by their bootstraps to be acceptable to God. In reality, we can only be forgiven by the blood of Jesus.

Having been forgiven, we are to forgive. The one who shows mercy will be shown mercy. We are to be Christlike in our forgiving attitude.

Religious people, because they are blind to their need of forgiveness, don't appreciate it when they see it. Those of us who know all too well our sinful hearts appreciate it when we see it. And we gladly receive it for ourselves.

'Father in heaven, thank You for the forgiveness that is found in Your Son. Please help us to be forgiving ourselves, for the honour of Your name, amen'


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