
 Where are your prophets who prophesied to you, saying, 'The king of Babylon will not come against you and against this land'?
Jeremiah 37:19 ESV

Jeremiah had been arrested and his life was on the line. His accusers saw him as traitorous and unpatriotic. His reply would be that he was simply telling the truth.

Clearly, if your message is that your nation will be overriden by enemies, you're not going to be as popular as if you promise that revival is round the corner. In Jeremiah's case however, he was just being honest. He had to be true to the divine message.

Jeremiah's response was the question the alternative. There had been plenty of false prophets declaring that the king of Babylon wouldn't turn up. Now he was knocking at the gates of Jerusalem!

Presumably, those false prophets were keeping a low profile. Truthful Jeremiah on the other hand became the fall guy. He was a convenient scapegoat, a canary in the mine.

'God Almighty, please help us to speak Your truth regardless of the consequences. May we be faithful to You come what may. In Christ Jesus' name, amen'


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