
 And Jeremiah the prophet said to the prophet Hananiah, "Listen, Hananiah, the Lord has not sent you, and you have made this people trust in a lie.
Jeremiah 28:15 ESV

Hananiah was a typical false prophet, the kind who proclaim 'peace, peace' when there is no peace. Jeremiah was the opposite, refusing to sugar-coat God's message. Jeremiah had prophesied the seventy year Jewish captivity in Babylon.

Hananiah was like the World War One leaders who promised the boys would be home by Christmas! He assured God's people that their exile would only be a couple of years, not the seventy years that Jeremiah promised. History proved God's man to be genuine however.

I'm reminded of church leaders who promise that revival is just round the corner. How long have people been promising a turning back to God in the West, and to no avail? The word of God makes no such empty 'declarations'.

Jeremiah would tell his exiled people to settle down and to seek the prosperity of the place they were exiled, because they were going to be there for a lifetime. God would say the same to us today, as we await Christ's return to call us home. In the meantime we should be seeking to bless the world.

'Lord our God, please don't let us listen to those who falsely promise an easy life. Thank You though that Jesus's burden is easy and His yoke is light through this difficult pilgrimage we live through. In His name, amen'


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