
 God is faithful, by whom you were called into the fellowship of his Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.
1 Corinthians 1:9 ESV

If you have professed faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, but are doubting your salvation, this verse should help. We might often, like the disciples, want Him to increase our faith. What really matters however is not the amount of faith we have, but the boundless faithfulness of God.

If our salvation depended upon our own faithfulness, we might be saved on a Sunday and lost on a Monday! Thankfully our salvation doesn't depend upon us, but upon our faithful God. We just need to trust in Him with the faith that is a gift from Him, which we can always ask for.

How do we get to enjoy fellowship with our Master and Maker? Through His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. We need a perfect Substitute who can cover all our mistakes by His sacrifice on our behalf.

Jesus gave Himself for us so that we can know God as our Loving Heavenly Father. As a child relates to their loving dad, we can relate to the Almighty One. We don't need to doubt His faithful love towards us.

'Our Heavenly Father, we're grateful that we don't need to doubt our salvation, because it depends upon Your faithfulness, not us in our doubts and fears. Through Christ Jesus our Lord, amen'


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