
 Therefore thus says the Lord concerning Jehoiakim king of Judah: He shall have none to sit on the throne of David, and his dead body shall be cast out to the heat by day and the frost by night.
Jeremiah 36:30 ESV

What was the crime for which Jehoiakim would be violently cut off with no descendants to speak of? Utter contempt for the word of God. There are many Jehoiakims in the world today, who despise the Bible.

Jeremiah's scribe Baruch had to write out his prophesy of impending doom for God's people. As he read it out to the king though, the king would simply rip up portions of the scroll and throw them on his fire. So Baruch had to write it out all over again.

There's no wonder that Baruch, who appears to be from a princely family, was tempted to despair. God's response to him was to question his longing for greatness, and to promise him he would survive the impending judgment upon his people.

Why would we want to be great in the eyes of this lost and dying world? It's best to have regard for Holy Scriptures, and to obey their teachings. Then we will enjoy an everlasting reward.

'God, forbid that we should disregard Your word. May we seek to obey it in all we do, and fulfil its promises in our lives. In Christ's name, amen'


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