
 And why not do evil that good may come?—as some people slanderously charge us with saying. Their condemnation is just.
Romans 3:8 ESV

Many people see religious people as holier than thou, for that's what religious people seek to be. When people hear the good news for unholy people however, they often misunderstand it. They think that if God forgives people, those people can do whatever they like.

So people who misunderstand the gospel think that we have a license to do evil, seeing as God will do us good regardless. Paul condemns this thinking in the strongest possible terms. It's a misrepresentation of the gospel.

For Paul, the idea that Christians can do what we like without concern for the consequences is slander. Having been saved from sin, of course we're not saved to sin. If someone's saved from a burning building, they don't return to it.

People who think that Christians are licentious will be condemned. To be condemned by God is to face an eternity in hell. God forbid that we should misrepresent His truth!

'Our Heavenly Father, may we represent You in an exemplary manner. Please help us to prove our slanderers wrong, for Your honour and praise, amen'


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