
 I will go to the great and will speak to them, for they know the way of the Lord, the justice of their God." But they all alike had broken the yoke; they had burst the bonds.
Jeremiah 5:5 ESV

It appears in this chapter that Jeremiah had a go at some open air street preaching. He didn't have a great reception amongst the masses. So he decided to take his message and seek an audience with bigwigs.

Jeremiah assumed the powers that be would have more sense than the poor, more knowledge of the way of the Lord. They might have had some intellectual awareness, but there was no relationship with God there. Jeremiah was sadly disappointed.

God is a God of justice. He expects us, if we  profess to be His, to be people of justice. We should look out for the likes of children in care, single mothers, and immigrants. Does God find us doing such things?

Jesus's yoke is easy, and His burden is light. Many people however, in a selfish quest for freedom, refuse to come to Him for spiritual rest. Too often we'd rather rest on our own laurels.

'God of justice, forbid that we should fail to seek You and Your way. May we submit to Your easy yoke and light burden, for Jesus' sake, amen'


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