
 And now why do you wait? Rise and be baptized and wash away your sins, calling on his name.'
Acts 22:16 ESV

When Paul was dunked in water, did he literally wash his sins away? Of course not! Water baptism can't wash away sins any more than taking a bath, even if it was in the River Jordan!

Water baptism is simply an outward sign of the inward work of the Holy Spirit of God, in whom we are baptised when we trust in God to wash away our sins, because of Christ's sacrifice on our behalf. Baptism in the Holy Spirit isn't something for super 1st class Christians. Baptism in the Holy Spirit is something that happens to every believer the moment we believe.

Paul didn't need a second blessing having received Christ Jesus as Lord. He was fully equipped for the work God had for him. So it is with all who trust in the Lord.

Paul's baptism will have been a public, revolutionary act. He'd been persecuting Christians to death, now he'd become one. It was a radical 180 degree turn.

'Lord our God, thank You that no one is beyond Your grace. If You can turn Paul's life around, You can do the same for us, for Your glory and honour, in Jesus' name, amen'


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