
 Though they know God's righteous decree that those who practice such things deserve to die, they not only do them but give approval to those who practice them.
Romans 1:32 ESV

Pride used to be a sin, the one that got satan kicked out of heaven. Now its a cause for celebration. We might be uncomfortable saying that pride deserves death, but all sin is a crime against God, punishable by hell. 

Not only are many people proud for example, but they also approve of proud people. Occasionally, people who sin know in their consciences that they're doing wrong. Often however, people are brazen in their sinfulness.

Before we start to get all self righteous at the sins of others, what about ourselves? We who condemn pride, are we proud? We who extol humility, are we actually humble?

If Romans 1 is about irreligious people, Romans 2 is about how religious people are no better. Thankfully, Romans 3 is about the fact there is hope for us all. Whether we're religious or irreligious, if we trust in Christ, we will be saved.

'Sovereign God, please forgive our proud sins and help us to repent and believe in You to change us into Your Son's likeness, in His name we pray, amen'


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