
 If then I am a wrongdoer and have committed anything for which I deserve to die, I do not seek to escape death. But if there is nothing to their charges against me, no one can give me up to them. I appeal to Caesar."
Acts 25:11 ESV

This was a bold and brave move of Paul's. To the Roman world, Caesar was Lord. Paul taught that Jesus is Lord, a seemingly rebellious, treasonous assertion.

When we consider that tradition states that Paul was burnt like a human candle in Caesar Nero's gardens, it brings home to us how courageous he was to be willing to go to probable death. Paul was prepared to do whatever it would take to shine as brightly for Jesus as possible, and Rome was at the heart of the civilised world. Would we be prepared to die for the One who died for us?

Paul knew he didn't deserve capital punishment. He knew Jewish accusations against him were groundless. He had integrity and a clear conscience not just towards God, but others as well.

Paul's Roman captor may well have freed him if he hadn't have appealed to Caesar. He got himself an all expenses paid trip to the heart of the civilised world though, to give maximum publicity to the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. He was going to the place Christians codenamed 'Babylon': the heart of the world in opposition to God.

'O Lord God, please help us in our Babylonian exile from You in this world. Please call us home soon, and bring many others with You, for Your glory and praise, amen'


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