
 And the Spirit of God rushed upon Saul when he heard these words, and his anger was greatly kindled.
1 Samuel 11:6 ESV

We often think of anger as a bad thing. The Bible teaches that it isn't necessarily so. Even Jesus Himself got angry sometimes.

Losing our tempers is wrong. Being angered by injustice on the other hand is the right response to it. Anger can drive us to do the right thing, or to seek to right wrongs.

Saul's anger was greatly kindled within him when the Holy Spirit came upon him. This wasn't just a blind rage, this was a righteous wrath. God's people were being threatened.

If we're not angry when our fellow believers in Christ are mistreated, there's something wrong with us. We should be stirred to intercede in prayer at the very least for Christians in need. There's often other practical things we can do to help as well.

'Righteous God, may we share Your anger at things that are not right. Help us to be stirred to make the world a better place, to Your praise and glory, amen'


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