
 I am the man who has seen affliction under the rod of his wrath;
Lamentations 3:1 ESV

Who is the man in this verse? Is it Jeremiah, widely attributed with the authorship of Lamentations? Or maybe his scribe Baruch?

Jesus on the road to Emmaus pointed to the fact that all of Scripture ultimately points to Him. Who knew lamentation like Him? Who else has borne the full force of God's wrath?

In the immediate context, Judah, the remnant of God's people, had been exiled to Babylon. Jerusalem was in ruins. The situation was lamentable.

Whatever our situation, Jesus bore far worse for us. He went through hell so that we don't have to. If we trust in Him, lament won't be our destiny, but rejoicing.

'Almighty Lord, thank You for Christ who went through the most lamentable affliction imaginable for us. May we trust Him, and so look forward to eternal rejoicing. In His name we pray, amen'


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